Thursday, June 12, 2008

Must read book(SPOUSE-The truth about marraige by Shobhaa De)

Sachai was going by auto ,at the crossing due to red light , it was coincidentally a boy came with many books in his hand and she picked up this book as he agreed to give it in Rs 100 which she later come to know that only 50 buck should be given to such pirated and poorly printed books.
Talking about books , Sachai loves reading books and blogs in leisure.
SPOUSE-The truth about marriage by Shobhaa De is damn good book ,very well written in easy language with short interesting chapters narrating many real life incidents and at the end of each chapter giving valuable tips......
This young generation must read it w,ho are equally confused about marriage as Sachai is:-)!

Happy reading

1 comment:

The Evangelist said...

Its a nice way to give a third person perspective, quite innovative. Well I guess Sachchai is still to learn the tricks of trade. The boy must be rubbing his hands with a sly expression. But these traffic light vendors surprisingly have some good collections with them. The print may be poor but with a bit of compromise you can get some lip smacking titles. I once got "Made in Japan - Akio Morito", which I was really searching like anything. But yes Vaibhav Gupta has been hardened by this cruel Delhi environment and hence the vendor could not fob him.