Friday, June 13, 2008

Hell lot of grammer and spelling mistakes

Always in haste to post things even without giving the spell check.Hope one day I shall cultivate thsi habbit and improve upon my writing skills and enrich with new vocabulary and dinchak english using lots of slangs and high level of english

Started reading others blogs

Its fun to read other blogs and at times i do get lots of prcatical personal info about lot many things.
Wish one day I can also improve upon my status of blogging and know more about blogging technology ,how to improve upon it ,how to get the namedomain ,how to make it look better and bla bla bla

Time is required for all these.........
Wish i could have wings to fly with the speed of time.......
I am happy as generally I try to live in the prsent moment ,may be as my memory is of quite short term,so one way its good that i can very well manage to live the present moment life.Though my mind is hyper active and I want to do so many things in life at the same time,only then i get satisfaction..........
HAppy reading blogs........